Hope and salvation for thousands of four-legged friends

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Hope and salvation for thousands of four-legged friends

28.02.2024 Ukraine Renovation Comments Off
Target amount: 8000 BGN.
Donations: 3380 BGN.

Dear friends,

Last year, together we worked wonders. We sent 8 pallets of animal food to Ukraine, providing hope and salvation for thousands of four-legged friends.

But the war doesn’t cease, and its consequences are becoming increasingly tangible not only for people but also for the small vulnerable beings left without homes, without food, without care. Many of them are puppies and kittens who, without our help, are doomed.

Today, we are faced with a new task – to raise 8000 BGN for food and delivery to Ukraine for another 8 pallets of animal food. Each of your contributions will become part of the great good that we can bring together. Our volunteers are already prepared to distribute aid to shelters, providing food and care to the needy four-legged friends.

We know that together we can achieve more. We proved it last year already. This year, the task is no less important, and each of you can become part of this great mission to save lives.

Your kind hearts have already helped many. Let’s unite our efforts once again and give a chance at life to those who cannot survive these difficult times without us. We thank in advance everyone who extends a helping hand. Your support is invaluable. Together, we truly change the world for the better!

city of Plovdiv, p.k. 4000, Central District, Iztochen Blvd. 59 EIK: 206865340
MAL: Natalia Ellis

Банкови сметки:
BG49IABG70951001063401 – лв/usd/euro

International Asset Bank AD