Steps for Employing Ukrainian Refugees with Temporary Protection in Bulgaria

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Steps for Employing Ukrainian Refugees with Temporary Protection in Bulgaria

24.07.2024 Ukraine Renovation Comments Off
Regularly, we receive inquiries regarding the employment of Ukrainian refugees with protection.
The most important thing is that Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection status do not require permission from the Employment Agency. The notification regime to the Labor Inspectorate is detailed in point 3.
The necessary documents for appointment such as a medical book for work, bank account, personal health book from RHI (if necessary for the respective position) are issued by the standard order as for Bulgarian citizens.
When all documents are available, you follow a few simple steps:
1. You conclude a fixed-term employment contract with a maximum validity period up to the date of validity of the registration card. Keep in mind that with the latest changes to the Labor Code from 08/01/2022, an amendment regarding the probationary period of fixed-term contracts was adopted, according to which when the work is defined for a term shorter than one year – the probationary period is up to one month. The notice period at the termination of the fixed-term employment contract remains 3 months, but no more than the remainder of the contract term.
2. You register the employment contract with the NRA by submitting a standard Notification under Art. 62 of the Labor Code and note the basis of the contract – 02 – fixed-term and the term of the contract – 02/23/2023. In case the notification is returned, most likely the name and surname of the person have been exchanged.
3. Within a seven-day period from the first working day of the person, you send to the respective Labor Inspectorate a Notification of the actual start of work of a citizen from a third country under Art. 10, para. 1 of the FMA, as a basis you note the option: No need for a work market access permit, on the basis of: Art. 39, para. 1 of the Asylum and Refugees Act. The notification can be submitted in person at the Registry Office, by a letter with return receipt, by courier, or by e-mail (for Plovdiv region!), in which case the Notification must be signed with an electronic signature. In the email text, you may ask to receive a return entry number.
4. If the person starts work in Bulgaria for the first time, they fill out the relevant declaration under Art. 348, para. 2 of the Labor Code, and you issue them a work book.
After signing the employment contract, the person can open a bank account.
With this, the whole procedure is completed!