School Backpack for Refugee Children

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School Backpack for Refugee Children

31.07.2023 Ukraine Renovation Comments Off

Soon, all the children will be heading back to school. We are eager to support newly arriving refugee children by providing them with school backpacks. These backpacks will help them feel prepared for new challenges and more comfortable in their new environment.
We’re not looking for anything luxurious. On the contrary, the backpack should be durable to withstand daily use. Refugee children often travel long distances on foot or carry their backpacks for extended periods. The backpack should be lightweight and comfortable.
If possible, it would be wonderful for the backpack to include essential school supplies like pens, notebooks, colored pencils, and textbooks, and perhaps even toys or photos to help the child feel more at home in their new surroundings.

Even a not-so-new backpack will be the greatest gift for a refugee child!

You can also support us with monetary donations to help us purchase backpacks for the children.